Is there a captain america civil war 2
Is there a captain america civil war 2

is there a captain america civil war 2
  1. #Is there a captain america civil war 2 movie
  2. #Is there a captain america civil war 2 registration

In many ways, the catalyst for Cap's opposition to the Accords is the return of his old friend Bucky (Sebastian Stan). This content can also be viewed on the site it originates from. Civil War, on the other hand, backgrounds the bad guy (more on him later), and lets its Avengers fight amongst themselves.

#Is there a captain america civil war 2 movie

The need to set up and knock down a big bad in one movie sucked all the narrative air out of the room, and sacrificed time that could have been spent hanging out with the Avengers-which is the reason we go to Marvel movies in the first place.

is there a captain america civil war 2

Ultron just focused too much on, well, Ultron. It is, in short, the Avengers sequel that Age of Ultron just wasn’t.Īnd that’s not a dig at Joss Whedon’s movie, which was enjoyable, flaws and all. It’s a Captain America movie, yes, but it’s more about the struggle between consent and dissent, and how unlikely it is for a group of superheroes to remain united. This has never been more true than in Captain America: Civil War, a rock-’em-sock-’em stand-off that features no fewer than four massive fights and, even at 146 minutes, feels gargantuan but never over-stuffed. But like Gatsby before you, when you’re surrounded by people who are actually interesting, you can put on a helluva show. You're as basic and predictable as a tank top during spring break. It actually gave you a feeling that there is an actual civil war going on, unlike Batman V Superman which promoted the film for three years and showing glimpses of the fight making people think it was going to be awesome, but it ended up being a very short fight with a very quick conclusion (Not saying BvS was horrible).Oh, Cap. As a DC fan and as much i hate to admit it, Civil War was much better than Batman V Superman. The Airport fight was probably the best scene in the movie, it had all the elements need to give the viewer the feeling that these people are willing to beat the living crap out of each other. But the movie was good in more ways, Black panther was a very interesting character so was Tom Hollands Spiderman.

#Is there a captain america civil war 2 registration

And at the end of the movie when we see Cap and Stark beating the **** out of each other, it isn't because of the registration act, it's because Stark finds out that the Winter Solider killed his parents and Cap defended him using the excuse that he was being mind controlled and didn't do it willingly, unlike what you've seen in the trailer which gave you the idea that the reason for them fighting is the Act. The main reason why panther joined in the first place was because he thought the winter solider killed his father, evidently he didn't. This review contains spoilers, click expand to view.Īs a movie civil war was good except it just lacked one thing: you can tell from the events of the film that the reason for the heroes fighting isn't the registration act, its because cap wants to protect bucky from the rest of the avengers. I cannot wait to see what the Russo Brothers do with Avengers Infinity War! … Expand Be sure to stay for the two end credit scenes. Spider-man and Black Panther were awesome additions to the MCU and I'm excited for their solo movies. The fight choreography was amazing, on par with the winter soldier, and the airport battle has to be one of the best action scenes of all times. There were intense, serious, darker moments mixed in with hilarious moments.

is there a captain america civil war 2

However, I am happy to say that I was wrong. There were intense, serious, darker moments mixed in with hilarious I was really nervous that my expectations were unrealistically high for this movie that I would be disappointed even if the movie was good. I was really nervous that my expectations were unrealistically high for this movie that I would be disappointed even if the movie was good.

Is there a captain america civil war 2